Commodity Cuisine: Honey Lavender Lemonade
Honey and lavender


These sunny summer days call for a cold, refreshing drink. Made with local ingredients, you’ll want to pour yourself a glass of this savory honey lavender lemonade from Indigo Lavender Farms! Read about their lavender story in our summer Partners magazine. 


Prep time: 20 minutes 

  • 1 cup raw honey 
  • 5 cups purified water 
  • 1 tablespoon dried, organic culinary lavender (or ¼ cup fresh lavender blossoms, crushed) 
  • 1 cup lemon juice (fresh squeezed) 
  • 2-3 sprigs lavender (for garnish) 



  1. Bring 2 ½ cups purified water to boil in a medium pan. 
  2. Remove from heat and add honey, stirring to dissolve. 
  3. Add the lavender to the honey water, cover, and let steep at least 20 minutes or up to several hours, to taste. You can put the lavender into a tea infuser or reusable tea bag for easier clean up. 
  4. Strain mixture and compost/discard lavender. 
  5. Pour infusion into a glass pitcher. 
  6. Add lemon juice and approximately another 2 ½ cups of cold water, to taste. Stir well.  
  7. Refrigerate until ready to use, or sit on the porch and pour into tall glasses half-filled with ice to enjoy! 


Makes 4 servings 


To view the summer 2024 issue of Partners magazine in its entirety, click here

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