Crop Hail Insurance
Crop hail insurance can help you weather the storms that can disrupt your operation.In addition to providing coverage to high-yielding crops, crop-hail protects you against yield loss caused by fire, lightning and vandalism while the crop is in the field or harvester. It also extends to protect some crops during transit or storage.
Crop-hail policies can be customized for your operation depending on the potential risks to your crops and the commodities being produced and can be purchased at any time during the growing season.
Enhanced and Supplemental Coverage Options
For many producers, Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) and Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) are cost-effective risk management solutions that increase your revenue floor and provide stability from falling commodity prices. SCO is a county policy that can be stacked on top of your underlying revenue or yield protection coverage. It adds coverage to the base policy up to 86% of crop value.ECO is a multiple peril crop insurance (MPCI) option that provides area-based coverage for a portion of your underlying policy’s deductible similar to SCO. It uses the same expected and final area yields, projected and harvest prices, and payment factors as SCO, but covers a band from 86% (where SCO coverage triggers) up to 90 or 95% of expected crop value. Like SCO, ECO is based on your underlying crop insurance policy.
Margin Protection
Margin Protection is an area-based insurance plan for corn and soybeans that provides coverage against an unexpected decrease in operating margin (revenue less input costs), caused by reduced county yields, reduced commodity prices, increased prices of certain inputs, or any combo of these. Coverage is available up to 95% and is usually purchased in tandem with a Revenue Protection policy.Multiple Peril Crop Insurance
Protect your operation from loss due to natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, freeze and disease. Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) policies must be purchased prior to planting and cover loss of crop yields. Newer coverage options combine yield protection and price protection to guard farmers against potential loss in revenue, whether due to low yields or changes in market price.Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance
Designed to provide coverage on your pasture, rangeland, or forage acres, this insurance coverage is based on precipitation levels known as the Rainfall Index.If you experience loss or damage to forage produced for grazing or harvested hay, Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance can help mitigate the resulting increased costs for feed, destocking, depopulating, or other actions taken. Like other forms of insurance, premium levels will depend on the likelihood of a claim and the level of deductible you choose.
Whole Farm Revenue Protection
When you need umbrella coverage that protects against the loss of revenue from all crops and animals you produce, turn to Whole Farm Revenue Protection:
- Coverage levels available from 50% to 85%, depending on your qualifying commodity count.
- Available for a wide array of farming operations, with liability limits up to 17MM, with no minimum.
Micro Farm Program
No matter the size of your operation, GreenStone is here to support you with the resources you need to succeed. Micro Farm policies provide a risk management safety net for all commodities for smaller producers or farms with certain value-added products, like jam or honey, all under one insurance policy. The insurance product can be applied to any farm operation with up to $350,000 in approved revenue, including farms with specialty and organic commodities. As a national leader in Micro Farm policies, we want to see your small business thrive.
Like other forms of insurance, premium levels will depend on the likelihood of a claim and the level of deductible you choose. Talk to your GreenStone crop insurance specialist for more information.
Crop Insurance Commodity Pricing
Important Crop Insurance Dates
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