Crop Insurance News:
Claims & Appraisals
Most producers have been there before. No matter what you do during the growing season, sometimes Mother Nature just will not cooperate, and you’re anticipating that your yields may fall below your guarantee. Obviously this is not the situation you’d like to be in, but that’s why you purchased crop insurance to begin with. If you do find yourself in a claims situation, there are some important things to remember that can help the process go a lot more smoothly. Many times, money is left on the table because these guidelines are not followed. Don’t lose out on a potential indemnity because notification was not done on a timely basis.
- Perils- The vast majority of naturally-caused perils are included under multiple-peril crop insurance (MPCI) coverage. This includes but is not limited to: adverse weather, failure of irrigation water supply, insect damage or plant disease (unless you improperly or insufficiently applied pest or disease control measures) and wildlife damage. Those covered under Revenue Protection are also protected from a decline in market price as well.
- Timeframe- Insurance coverage generally begins at time of application or time of planting, whichever is later. The end of the insurance period is generally recognized as the earlier of: total destruction of the crop, final harvest of the crop, abandonment of the crop, or the end of the insurance period (which is December 10 for corn insured as grain and soybeans).
- Insured’s responsibilities- For planted crops, the insured must notify the insurance company within 72 hours of the initial discovery of the damage or production loss, but no later than 15 days after the end of the insurance period, even if the crop has not yet been harvested. If you have a revenue protection policy and have a claim based on strictly price, the insurance company must be notified within 45 days of the harvest price announcement for the crop.
- Appraisals- If you are going to harvest your planted crop in any non-traditional manner, a crop appraisal needs to be completed, otherwise you may lose out on a potential indemnity payment. The most common time an appraisal is needed is when you’re going to chop corn that is insured as grain for silage. If you have a corn policy, any acreage that is not harvested traditionally as dry grain should be appraised. You should contact your crop insurance specialist at least a week or so in advance of when you are planning on harvesting, so it can be arranged for an adjuster to come out and perform the appraisals while the crop is still in the field. In the event you harvest before an adjuster is able to perform appraisals, representative sample strips must be left in the fields so the adjusters can use them for appraisals. The strips must be at least 10 feet wide and run the entire length of the field. If you do not agree with the appraisals you’ve gotten from the adjuster, do not sign them. Call your crop insurance specialist right away to have another adjuster come out and perform a second appraisal.
Throughout the whole claims adjustment process, if you ever feel uneasy or that something doesn’t seem right, contact your specialist as soon as possible. Along those same lines, if you ever have a problem with the adjuster that’s working your claim and you’d like someone different, it is generally something that can be coordinated if you notify your crop insurance specialist. Obviously no one wants to have a claim - producing a bumper crop is much more enjoyable than receiving a large claims check - but when it is needed, remembering these key points will help make the process go that much better. As always, if you have questions above and beyond what you’ve read, please contact your crop insurance specialist to help.
Crop Insurance Updates:
Please remember a fresh apple policy can be signaled out for a fresh review at any time during the year or at claims time. You will be asked to prove you have sold your apples as fresh and at what price they were sold at. The requirement is that 50% or more were sold as fresh, at a fresh price in at least one out of the last four years. Call us if you need more information regarding what documents can be submitted and what needs to be on those documents. If you cannot prove fresh sales, RMA requires that your apples be changed to processing for the current crop year.
It is not too late to purchase hail insurance for 2024. Hail is a separate policy from multi-peril crop insurance coverage. As an added bonus, a hail policy can provide coverage for fire, lightning, vandalism/malicious mischief and transit to the first place of storage. Rates and coverage can vary by crop and county. Keep in mind, hail insurance must be purchased before damage occurs. Contact your crop insurance specialist today to set up an appointment to review your options.
Late fees will be charged on any unpaid premium on October 1. Please make note of this important change as late fees cannot be waived. If you cannot pay your premium before the due date, please contact your AIP to make payment arrangements. Payment is due regardless of whether or not you have an outstanding claim.
Appraisals are required when a customer plans to do something with the crop other than harvest in the normal manner. If you do not plan to take your wheat/forage to harvest, we must appraise the acres prior to destruction.
Even though the corn crop just got planted, it won’t be long until it’s time to fill the bunker silo. Before chopping corn for silage, please call and arrange for an appraisal ahead of time. Every effort will be made to have your crop appraised before you chop. Otherwise, you will be instructed on how to leave samples in your field for later evaluation.
If you think you may be facing a forage production loss, make sure to contact your specialist to file a claim. If you didn’t have forage insurance for the 2024 crop year and are interested in coverage for 2025, the sales close date is the same as wheat, September 30.
Crop Insurance Calendar:
July 15
Spring Acreage Reports Due & Processing Beans Final Plant Date
August 15
Spring Premium Billing Date
September 30
- Wheat and Forage Production Sales Close Date. All changes need to be completed by the September 30 deadline! If a signed application is not returned, your policy will automatically renew at the same level you insured at during the previous crop year.
- End of Insurance Period (loss reporting deadline) – Peach & Blueberry
October 15
Forage Underwriting Report Signature Due Date
October 25
Wheat Final Plant Date*
October 31
- End of Insurance Period (loss reporting deadline) for Fall Crops
- Final Claim Reporting Date for Dry Beans
*Please note that some dates can vary by county. Please check with your crop insurance specialist for specific dates if you are unsure.
To view the summer 2024 issue of Partners magazine in its entirety, click here.