Financial Performance

A Strong Financial Partner

GreenStone has an ongoing history of sound financial performance. As a $15.2 billion member-owned cooperative, it is vital we remain in a strong financial position to serve our members in good and challenging times. Our long-standing financial position allows us to provide customers, in Michigan and northeast Wisconsin, with competitively priced loan products and related financial services.


Some recent highlights as of our latest 2024 Annual Report: 

  • Net Income: $296.6 million
  • Total Owned and Managed Assets: $15.2 billion
  • Return on Assets: 2.2%
  • Owned and Managed Year-Over-Year Loan Growth: 5.9%
  • Patronage Paid in 2024: $120 million

As a cooperative, we are owned by the customers we serve, so we inherently work in their collective best interest. 

Travis Jones, GreenStone CEO & President

GreenStone Annual Reports


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