Our interns had a busy summer, between intern events, job shadows, and work projects our interns had the chance to do it all! At GreenStone, our interns do real work and projects that help the company tremendously, and they even got the chance to share their experiences during the company-wide Intern Presentations.
These presentations encompassed each intern’s experience at GreenStone. Staff spent the morning learning about each of the 19 interns through their presentation where each discussed their background, projects they worked on, and overall takeaways. Many discussed the challenges they overcame and how much they learned working within their departments.
Many team members, executives, and managers came out to support the interns during the presentations, asking inquisitive questions and networking over lunch after the presentations. This allowed the interns to mingle with people from other departments and thank those that supported them.
As a GreenStone intern, each completed hands-on projects to help our teams tremendously. This presentation and networking opportunity allows GreenStone to recognize the interns for their hard work and learn more about each intern and what they have accomplished during their time at GreenStone.
The work day wrapped up after the presentations, but it wasn’t the end for the interns! Later that evening many of them headed to Jackson Field to watch the Lansing Lugnuts baseball game. They got to enjoy their last full day together as a cohort while enjoying food, the game, and their suite seats!
This was a wonderful way to wrap up summer and show how thankful GreenStone is for this year’s summer interns. It has been a summer full of growth, connections, and opportunities. We wish our 2024 summer interns best of luck in their next adventures. If you’re interested in learning more about our internship program, check out our website! Internships (greenstonefcs.com)