The Governing Body
GreenStone Farm Credit Services is a cooperative and is owned by its member-customer stockholders. Our stockholders purchase voting stock that gives them the right to participate in elections and vote on issues affecting the operations of the company. GreenStone is governed by a 15-person board. The board meets periodically and gives overall direction to the organization's leadership. To contact any member of the board, email:
Eugene College
Appointed Director
Audit Comm.
Michael Feight
Lenawee County, MI
Finance Comm.
Terri Hawbaker
Clinton County, MI
Legislative/ Public Policy Comm.
Trent Hilding
Montcalm County, MI
Finance Comm.
Ronald Lucas
Alpena County, MI
Audit Comm.
Peter Maxwell
Midland County, MI
Board Vice Chairman
Executive Comm.
Compensation Comm.
David McConnachie
Sanilac County, MI
Finance Comm.
Dennis Muchmore
Appointed Director
Policy Comm.
Ed Reed
Cass County, MI
Board Chairman
Executive Comm.
Compensation Comm.
Scott Roggenbuck
Huron County, MI
Audit Comm.
Marilyn Thelen
Clinton County, MI
Finance Comm.
Dale Wagner
Manitowoc County, WI
Executive Comm.
Compensation Comm.
Jed Welder
Montcalm County, MI
Legislative/Public Policy Comm.