This year, a total of $120 million will be returned to our loan customers through Patronage dividend checks.
Each Patronage-earning member will receive a notification letter in mid-February outlining the amount of your check. That letter will include a personal invitation to join in on a celebration on March 12 at your local branch. Enjoy refreshments, a celebration of you, and of course, the opportunity to pick up your check.
Our ability to give back to you, our member-owners, is the direct result of your success and your trust in GreenStone. This partnership reflects our commitment to do all we can to assist our members through unprecedented times, seasons of profit and cycles of challenges.
As a financial cooperative, it is necessary for GreenStone to generate strong earnings and maintain adequate capital levels to help ensure we remain a dependable source of credit for years to come. In support of its members, the cooperative continues to build and grow for the future. Patronage, earnings, and capital, combined with strong loan growth in 2023 and solid customer satisfaction and employee engagement are just a few key reasons our partnership with members will be prosperous long-term.
Personal relationships and partnerships with our members are at the core of our values. We hope you’ll join us on March 12 to celebrate you and all the ways it pays to partner!
Have a question about Patronage? Check out the detailed FAQ section on our Patronage page at www.greenstonefcs.com/patronage.
To view the article in the online 2024 Winter Partners Magazine, click here.