The stories told of rural communities and agriculture are building a foundation for legislative support.
GreenStone’s outreach to legislators and partnering with other similarly minded agricultural organizations on legislative matters continues to bring focus on ensuring the future of rural communities and agriculture, and the Farm Credit System is bright. Communicating this is an important responsibility of all members and it is built through the open and ongoing conversations.
At the state level, in Michigan and Wisconsin, over 35 meetings have taken place with state Senators and Representatives at the capital or out in the districts. Disbursements are also being completed to provide support to elected officials running for the Legislature this year. The majority of the meetings have focused on demonstrating the connection between GreenStone and the urban and rural districts of elected officials. In addition, time has been spent asking and getting an understanding of what rural and agricultural tours would be helpful to continue the education of our elected officials.
The Farm Credit PAC continues to support federal elected legislators both in Michigan and Wisconsin. Over 20 meetings have taken place with Senators and Representatives this year, both in state and in Washington D.C. The discussion has centered around the Farm Bill conversation and the need for it to provide a level of certainty for farmers and ranchers. Communication is direct: producers are facing a more challenging economic environment, and conditions are expected to continue deteriorating. An update on the growing season and stories of how GreenStone is fulfilling our mission to support rural communities and agriculture to 28,000 members is also provided.
Our elected officials continue to receive the Farm Credit message as the impact of rural communities and agriculture stretches far beyond the rural parts of Michigan and Wisconsin. Those that represent our rural communities and agriculture recognize the great responsibility, and we continue to build relationships with those that do not for the sake of prosperous futures for everyone. The relationships being built establish GreenStone and our members as reliable sources of grassroots information and resources. None of this could be done successfully without active engagement, and your involvement is essential.
Thank you for helping build the voice of rural communities and agriculture!
To view the fall 2024 issue of Partners magazine in its entirety, click here.