Crop Insurance Customer Feature: Bringing it Back in the Family
GreenStone customers, the Lake family


If you take a drive along the backroads of Williamsburg, Michigan near Traverse City, you will find rows and rows of cherry and apple trees. 

But it’s not just fruit that’s growing along the breathtaking Elk Lake, it’s a family business with rich history.

Before the Civil War, Joseph Sours purchased 130 acres of land for just $1.25 an acre. The farm eventually was passed down to Joseph’s son, Frank Sours, but unfortunately during the great depression, the family lost all but 12 acres of the land, which Joseph’s Grandson John Sours maintained. 

Fast forward to 2020, and John’s grandsons Dan and Jason Lake were able to work with GreenStone to secure a land loan to gain much of this special land back.

“It’s something I always wanted but I never honestly thought this land would become available,” Dan said about the purchase. “To be honest, this whole deal wouldn’t be possible without GreenStone.” 

“It’s a sense of accomplishment, it’s a sense of pride, it’s really a blessing from God,” said Jason. “I did not know how this was ever going to come about. It’s something I always wanted to have happen, it was a vision and the hope, and I’m just shocked that it has come together.”


A Family Affair
The long rows of apples and cherries surround Dan and Jason’s mother and father’s home. Because Dan and Jason have full time jobs outside of farming, they lean greatly on their father Larry and mother Sally to help keep the orchard going.

Dan works as a special education coordinator in southeast Michigan, and Jason works in manufacturing in Charlevoix, Michigan. 

“I couldn’t do this without help,” Dan said. “Certainly my dad, Larry Lake, has been instrumental in the success of this. My summers lighten up because it’s a school district so I can do a lot more in the summertime. Whatever needs done, we find a way to do that. If I’m not there, Jason’s there. If Jason’s not there, I’m there. If we’re not there, my dad’s there.”

“It’s a struggle to make it all work right now,” said Jason. “It’s a lot of give and take. There’s time where one person may feel like they’re holding up the whole world, which isn’t the case but it surely feels that way. We have to coordinate and work together.”

Jason also said he couldn’t take all of this on without the help of his wife, Kathy Chamberlain-Lake, who is no stranger to growing fruit – between her full-time job at a produce company and her upbringing. 

“I grew up on ten acres of cherries also, so for me it’s kind of like coming home in a sense,” said Kathy.

Protecting the Prize

The biggest part of a successful fruit farm is a successful crop. Cherry planting has been in the Lake family for years, but growing apples is new to them. Between pruning the trees and spraying them at the right time, the brothers had a lot to learn. 

Dan and Jason work together to make sure the orchard is being taken care of at all times, but there are some things you can’t control when it comes to farming.


They work with GreenStone to make sure their apples are covered by crop insurance for that extra layer of protection – because they never want to be in the situation their ancestors were all those years ago!

The plan Dan and Jason chose covers all the bases. Their insurance protects the quality of their apples, along with the quantity.

“It’s just a peace of mind,” said Dan. “If there’s a disaster, I know I’m going to be able to pay the mortgage and make my payments and pay the bills. Without that, if something went wrong, I’d be in real trouble.”

As beginning farmers, they are not only dealing with the weather and market risks every farmer faces, but they’re also learning the ropes of farming as they go. Hence, the brothers also, in part, qualified for the Beginning Farmer and Rancher subsidy which provides an extra 10% subsidy on the policy for even more protection for their new orchard business. 

Crop Insurance Specialist Trevor Gernaat helped them create the perfect crop insurance plan for their unique situation.  

“It has been really neat to hear their story,” said Trevor. “Very early on in our relationship, learning the backside of their story was really cool because I could tell how proud they are. It’s been pretty special to be a part of that story and to be able to help protect something so special to them.”

The Future
The future is fruitful for the Lake brothers. Dan and Jason hope to eventually make the farm their full-time gig. 

“We would like to retire into farming,“ said Jason. “That’s what we’re trying to get to. God willing, we would continue to expand and we would want to do it as adjacent as possible.”


Dan and Jason are happy to keep working with GreenStone to make their dreams happen – between land loans and crop insurance.


“It’s nice having it all under one roof, one company,” said Dan. “Trevor makes the process pretty simple.”

And Trevor is happy to continue being a part.

“They are very proud of their story, it’s really humbling for them to be able to have that family aspect and be involved in the farm,” said Trevor. 

Full-time or not, the brothers are just happy to have this land back in the family all these years later, and be sure they are secure no matter what Mother Nature throws their way.

“There’s a difficulty to work through but there’s a tremendous sense of accomplishment that comes along with this, and I feel like I’m working in my forefather’s footsteps,” said Jason.

To view the article in the online 2022 Fall Partners Magazine, click here.


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