Recently, GreenStone’s human resources department showcased their career toolkit, etiquette, and presentation skills to the intern cohort to help them pave their pathway to success! This gave interns the opportunity to learn and develop skills necessary when applying for full-time roles.
What’s in our career toolkit? A self-assessment consisting of a reflection of their strengths and weaknesses, and a process of defining your career goals and setting short and long-term personal goals. The discussion continues from there into how to maintain your ‘personal brand’ and what that looks like with many different social media platforms. Most importantly in the toolkit, is a deep dive into the career search process. This involved what goes into writing a killer cover letter, resume, and best interview practices.
The discussion led to many different avenues, from how to wow the interview committee to questions on resumes to what would best be in their career toolkit. Overall, the pathway to success meeting included a thoughtful discussion in understanding what to expect when applying for full time roles. This gives our interns things to prepare for and skills necessary for a full-time career.
During lunch, there was a presentation discussing professional dining tips. The interns were joined by other GreenStone staff members to put their business dining etiquette skills to the test and make connections in other departments! This lunch allowed not only the interns to learn about which fork to use when but provided a stellar networking opportunity for all involved.
After lunch the day wrapped up with a presentation filled with tips and tricks to best reach your audience while giving a presentation. These tips included understanding your audience, making a connection with them, and adjusting based on their reactions and participation. This allows presenters to interact with the crowd in a way that is engaging and educational!
As part of a GreenStone internship, interns are asked to give an end of internship presentation showcasing what they have accomplished throughout the summer. The pathway to success event allowed the interns to not only become fully prepared for their future careers, but it gave them the skills that they will need to deliver an excellent presentation.
GreenStone takes pride in our intern cohorts, and we value the work they do. We wish them the best as they get ready for presentations and get prepared for their future careers. As an intern with GreenStone, we hope each and every intern has paved their way to success! If you want to learn more about our internship program, check out our website. Internships (greenstonefcs.com)