We were recently able to reminisce on spring, enjoy the last moments of summer, and are looking forward to the future as we feature staff involved in their community.
First, let’s take things back to spring when GreenStone loan processor Ashley Sholes volunteered at her daughter's school field day!
"Not only was it a hot day, but it was such beautiful weather," said Ashley. "When the kids competed against the teachers, faculty, or parents in the obstacle course, all of the remaining kids and staff sat and cheered them on. It was so much fun!"
Thank you, Ashley, for giving back and getting involved in your community and reminding us of the bright joys of the school year! From elementary field days to college scholarships, our staff is focused on supporting all ages.
We’d also like to share more about our Concord Branch Scholarship winners from the Jackson County Fair and Calhoun County Fair! This scholarship promotes local youth in agriculture as they pursue secondary education. Congratulations to Tyler Landis and Carter Arbuckle who are the winners of the scholarship! Presenting their scholarships are GreenStone financial service officers Dylan Armstrong and Ben Hawes.
Tyler is attending Sienna Heights University, and Carter is attending Adrian College. Best of luck on your future endeavors! Dylan and Ben, thank you for presenting these awards to such deserving students and soaking up some of the last fairs of the season.
Looking forward, GreenStone's Ian McGonigal, Melissa Rogers, and Jim Nowak attended a donor recognition event at the Impression 5 Science Center! Impression 5 is an interactive science museum in Lansing, MI, where children and families are encouraged to use their five senses and explore science with hands-on activities.
At this event, GreenStone was recognized as a sponsor of a forthcoming agriculture exhibit. We are proud to support the development of this new interactive experience!
GreenStone is a consistent supporter of our communities, and our staff is no different. Thank you, Ashley, Dylan, Ben, Ian, Melissa, and Jim, for getting involved, and supporting the youth to better our communities. To learn more about our outreach efforts check out our social media pages!