CultivateGrowth: Connecting Organically
People in a greenhouse planting plants.


Farms come in all shapes and sizes, from small urban farms in the cities, to the large acres that roll on into the countryside. Each farm is unique from each other, but they all have a passion for agriculture, and they all started from somewhere.


Each farmer started as a young, beginning, or small farmer, and they each faced several different challenges while getting started. Challenges like land barriers, lack of knowledge, and marketing obstacles are all things that Katie Brandt has seen throughout her years of teaching at Michigan State University.


In college, Brandt jumped into the agricultural industry and started working for a local farm. Later in 2006 she started her own organic vegetable farm. After gaining eleven years of organic farming experience she transitioned to working at MSU by teaching the Organic Farmer Training Program and Transition to Organic Partnership Program.


The Organic Farmer Training Program helps young, beginning, and small farmers break the barriers they face through seminars, guest speakers, on-farm visits, and field trips. “Our goal is to give people hands on skills to help them figure out what their short-term and long-term goals are for their farm,” Brandt says.


People harvesting seeds from the ground

Class participants gaining hands on experience in the field.


During the 38-week program participants learn a variety of skills that fit specifically into their operations, from soil testing to seed transplanting. They also learn the importance of equipment and produce safety. Each skill they learn will help them get started or grow their operation. 


The fundamental skills of farming are not the only skills participants graduate with, they also network with each other and make connections across Michigan. “People can learn from each other within the group. They can network and make friends and allies that can help them as they’re getting started farming, scaling up, or shifting the focus of their farm,” Brandt mentions. 


People harvesting honey out of a hive

Class learning about bee hives & harvesting honey.


Over the years GreenStone has supported numerous farmers who attend the MSU Organic Farmers Training Program through our CultivateGrowth grants.


“I am so thankful for the GreenStone CultivateGrowth program,” Brandt says. “The grant really helps people because they are getting $500 or $1,000 off the total, and that could be what makes it possible for people to participate.”


GreenStone understands the importance of advancing education for young, beginning, and small farmers. We work to provide the educational and financial resources needed to help establish a solid foundation. To apply today, visit CultivateGrowth Grant | GreenStone FCS.

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