Coretta Scott King once said, “the greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” GreenStone’s branches have once again lived out this philosophy this holiday season by giving back to the community. Here are ten branches that have given back to their communities this holiday season.
Concord Branch - Tree of Giving
In the Christmas Spirit, the Concord Branch and several other coworkers adopted a family for Christmas this year from the Jackson Salvation Army. “We adopted a family with four children and a mom. We are so excited for them when they open their gifts! May everyone have a wonderful Christmas and find the joy in giving,” the branch says.
Concord's Giving Tree with donations to local family.
Bad Axe Branch - Supporting a Family in Time of Need
A family in the Bad Axe community has a daughter that has been battling cancer for a couple of years now. This holiday season the Bad Axe branch decided to offer some support to the family. The branch says, “We were all able to chip in for Visa gifts cards and food chains to give the family support during this difficult time.”
Marketing and PR Department - Donations to Local Assisted Living Facility
It is easy to forget about those who started our family generations and traditions. GreenStone’s marketing and public relations department decided to show appreciation to those who may not have anyone to come visit them during the holiday season by creating a giving tree with different items that the assisted living facility and their residents need.
Marketing and PR Department's giving tree with box of donations.
Ionia Branch - Toys for Tots
For a couple of years now the Ionia branch has participated in the Toys for Tots program. Once they receive their box for donations, they set it out in the lobby, offering customers the opportunity to share their support to a wonderful program that helps kids less fortunate. Before the donation box is ready to be picked up by a representative, the office goes shopping together to purchase toys to donate. The branch was able to donate enough toys to support multiple children in the area!
Ionia branch staff shopping for toy donations!
Caro Branch - Gingerbread House Contest
Community First Title Agency out of Caro, Bad Axe and Sandusky is holding its’ third annual gingerbread house contest for local businesses. The top three winners have a chance at $500, $1,000, and $1,500 to donate to a local charity of their choice. GreenStone’s Caro branch has been participating in this contest since it started. “Last year we won first place obtaining the $1,500, which we chose to donate to our local food pantry. This supported a food drive that they held earlier this year where a few from our branch team were able to participate in handing out the food as well. If we win again this year, we plan on donating for the same cause. This donation helped over 400 families in our local community, which is what we are striving for,” the Caro team expressed.
Caro's Candy Land themed gingerbread house.
Grand Rapids Branch - The Kids Food Basket
The Food Basket Organization is a foundation that strives to meet the needs of every child and family they serve. They aim to pursue a hunger-free West Michigan in a way that promotes the experiences and passion of our local community. GreenStone’s Grand Rapids branch has taken part in this organization by filling up and decorating lunch sacks for local schools. Over the next few weeks the branch is hoping to supply enough lunch sacks for multiple students in different schools.
Little Chute Branch - Battlecorn Care Packages
This holiday season GreenStone’s Little Chute branch is supporting Battlecorn. Battlecorn is a local organization formed by a couple after their daughter Jaycee was diagnosed with cancer. Their organization sends care packages to children battling cancer. Employees in the Little Chute branch were able to contribute to the care packages by donating blankets, some staff even made blankets to donate.
Little Chute's Battlecorn donation.
Alma Branch - United Way
For the first time, this holiday season GreenStone’s Alma branch supported their local United Way foundation. “As a branch we were assigned a family. We were able to donate household items and stocking stuffers. Then several of us also took one of the family members to support. We enjoyed picking things out for the family and we are hoping that we made their holiday season a little merrier this year,” the Alma branch says.
Mount Pleasant Branch - Adopting a Family for the Holidays
Each year GreenStone’s Mount Pleasant branch contributes to adopting a family. The team shared, “We are fortunate enough to be able to provide Christmas gifts for our own families, so it is nice to give back to others in our community that are not able to.”
East Lansing Headquarters – Santa' Soldiers Toy Drive
This year the team at GreenStone’s headquarters branch decided to take part in an office-wide toy drive. They have partnered with Bravo Company and Western Michigan ROTC to give toys to bring happiness and love to children in local hospitals over the holiday season!
GreenStone is very proud of each branch that gives back to their communities both in these holiday times of need and all year long. Learn more about our community outreach and engagement efforts by visiting our Outreach page.