Community Engagement: Youth Camp Charity Shoot Event
Youth Charity Shoot Header Image


Learning how to enjoy the outdoor world is something the Michigan United Conservation Club has taught children and adults about for years. From kayaking, hunting, fishing, to teaching about conservation knowledge, it’s something they take true pride in, and GreenStone supports it. Since 1946, they have put on a Michigan-Out-Of-Doors camp to teach campers about all of these activities and more. A part of this camp includes a Youth Camp Charity Shoot, where volunteers and sponsors get to experience nature while shooting clay pigeons, plus raise money for this amazing organization.


This event took place on August 13 at the Multi-Lakes Conservation Association in Commerce, Michigan. As GreenStone is a sponsor of this event, we had several employees participate. Steve Stoutenburg, Richard Dubke, Laura Woelmer, Kristi Love, Marlene Langerman and Erin DuBois formed a team, with Richard as the captain. There were flights for each shooting event, and the GreenStone team participated in the 11:00 a.m. time slot. Before each flight began, there was a welcome announcement, along with a safety run down as they were shooting firearms. On top of this, lunch was provided to each team.


“Participating in the Youth Charity Shoot not only brought a variety of GreenStone employee roles together, but it also contributed to the youth of Michigan United Conservation Clubs!  It was amazing to see the turnout for the event and see that everyone was truly there to support the organization and have fun,” said Marlene Langerman, a Customer Service Representative and teammate at GreenStone. “Being outdoors with the GreenStone team on the beautiful day and knowing we were having a positive effect for the charity made the day an incredible experience!”


Educating the next generations about the importance of the outdoors is something that GreenStone loves to help support. For more information regarding this event and the Michigan United Conservation Club, please visit: Home - Michigan United Conservation Clubs.


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