Crop Insurance Commodity Pricing


Row Crop Pricing

RMA projected and harvest price for row crops is outlined below. Contact your crop insurance specialist with additional questions.


  Discovery Period  Final Discovery Period  Final
Corn Feb. 1-28   Nov. 1 - 31 -
Soybeans Feb. 1-28   Oct. 1-31 -
Wheat Aug. 15 - Sept. 14 - July 1-31 -


  Discovery Period  Final Discovery Period  Final
Corn Feb. 1-28 $4.66 Nov. 1 - 31 $4.42
Soybeans Feb. 1-28 $11.55 Oct. 1-31 $10.03
Wheat Aug. 15 - Sept. 14 $6.72 July 1-31 $5.51


Fruit Pricing

Fruit prices for APH policies have been released. This is the price paid per unit for every unit the producer is below their guarantee. Insurers may also choose to insure a percentage of these prices if a different value is more appropriate for their sales. Contact your agent about the different pricing options.


 2025 Fruit Prices
Apple - Varietal A-114 $34.00 $18.70 Bushel
Apple - Varietal B-115 $14.85 $8.17 Bushel
Apple - Varietal C-116 $11.00 $6.05 Bushel
Apple - Fresh  $13.75 $7.57 Bushel
Apple - Processing  $5.25 $2.89 Bushel
Blueberries - Early Var. $0.92 $0.51 Pound
 Blueberries - Mid. Var. $0.86 $0.48  Pound 
 Blueberries - Late Var. $0.98  $0.54  Pound 
Grapes - Concord  $350.00 $192.50 Ton
Grapes - Niagara  $350.00 $192.50 Ton
Grapes - French Hybrid  $1,538.00 $845.90 Ton
Peaches - Fresh $30.30 $16.67 Bushel
Peaches - Processing $9.20 $5.06 Bushel


 2021 Fruit Prices
Apple - Varietal A-114 $33.50 $18.43 Bushel
Apple - Varietal B-115 $14.25 $7.84 Bushel
Apple - Varietal C-116 $10.75 $5.92 Bushel
Apple - Fresh  $13.85 $7.62 Bushel
Apple - Processing  $5.10 $2.81 Bushel
Blueberries $0.80 $0.44 Pound
Grapes - Concord  $304.00 $167.20 Ton
Grapes - Niagara  $304.00 $167.20 Ton
Grapes - French Hybrid  $1,440.00 $792.00 Ton
Peaches - Fresh $24.75 $13.62 Bushel
Peaches - Processing $8.55 $4.71 Bushel


*As of September 2024

If a commodity is not listed above, please contact your GreenStone crop insurance specialist for further information. 

GreenStone Farm Credit Services is an equal opportunity provider. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices and employees and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).



Crop Insurance Products

You have the option of two crop insurance products: Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) and Crop-Hail.

Important Crop Insurance Dates

Keep track of important insurance periods, planting dates, and reporting deadlines.

Which Policy is Right for You?

The flexibility and individuality of today’s programs allow you to tailor your coverage to meet your crop management plan.

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