Stay Hydrated This Winter
Water bottle with fitness equipment on blue background


During the hot, humid summer months it’s easy to remember to keep your water bottle handy, but during the cold winter months, it’s an entirely different story. Experts say: make hydration a priority this winter, and your body will reward you.


Keep Your Water Bottle Full

Even a mild case of dehydration can lead to things like difficulty concentrating, poor memory, and even bad moods. 


So, how much should you drink in a day? According to health experts, an average should be drinking about 3.7 liters and women should drink 2.7 liters. 


Foods to Keep You Hydrated

It’s not just water that will help keep you hydrated.


Fruits like watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and oranges are filled with water that can help keep you on track. For lunch, you may opt for a salad which can help, too. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, and peppers all have high water content. 


Technically, your warm cup of tea or afternoon soda also counts towards this hydration goal, but it’s recommended you stick to pure water as much as possible.


Your Skin Will Thank You

Have you ever experienced dryer and itchier skin during the frigid winter months in Michigan and Wisconsin? Chances are, that’s mostly due to dehydration.


You can put as much lotion and hand cream on as you want, but the truth is, it’s drinking water that’s going to help your dry skin the most. 


Experts say people who drink the recommended amount of water each day are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines, too. 


Keeping your skin healthy and beautiful is as simple as a few glasses of water. 


Why am I dehydrated?

If the sun isn’t shining and you aren’t in high humidity, why exactly are you dehydrated during the winter?


Well, during this time, you’re probably wearing more clothing like heavy jackets. That clothing helps your body conserve heat, but it makes the body work between 10 and 40 percent harder. So, your body is producing more sweat and you’re losing more fluids.


In cold weather, we also lose more water through our respiratory system. When you can see your breath on a chilly winter day, that’s actually water vapor that your body is losing.


So, remember to make hydration a priority on your new year’s resolution list!


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